U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Founded in 1909 as the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses, PIARC is an international forum in the road sector whose goal is to enhance a better global road community in order to promote economic growth and social welfare. PIARC brings together the road administrations of 124 governments and has members in over 140 countries.
The United States (U.S.) is a member of the PIARC and is represented by delegates from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and representatives from the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). PIARC's participation gives the United States insight into some of the most recent technical and policy road developments originating abroad. It is also a good channel for communicating innovations to the rest of the world. Participation affords the United States the ability to contribute to guidance and reference documents that are used by road practitioners worldwide. A synthesis report documents the benefits of the United States’ participation in the PIARC over the 2008-2011 and 2012-2015 cycles. View a webinar on the United States’ participation in the World Road Association during the past two four-year cycles and the outcomes of that participation. Reports, videos, webinars, and fact sheets highlighting the United States’ participation in PIARC during the 2016-2019 cycle can be found here.
The themes for the current cycle (2024-2027) are:
Every four years, the PIARC sponsors two congresses: The World Road Congress and the International Winter Road Congress. Both meet in a member country to enable members to share techniques and experiences in the field of road transportation and to showcase the key accomplishments and findings of its technical committees.
Due to the global health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress was held in digital format. The Congress focused on the overall theme of Adapting to a Changing World and was structured around two thematic areas: Winter Service and Resilience. The Final Proceedings of the XVIth World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress are now available as a dedicated website at the following address: https://proceedings-calgary2022.piarc.org/en/
The 17th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress will be held March 10-13, 2026, at the Savoiexpo Exhibition Centre in Chambéry, France. The Congress will focus on the theme “Ensuring Road Excellence in All Seasons,” bringing together experts to discuss essential winter road topics, including traffic management, pavement conditions, de-icing agents, equipment, and user information. For additional information, please visit the official Congress website: https://www.piarc-chambery2026.com/
The XXVIIth World Road Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic, October 2-6, 2023. Under the theme "Prague 2023 - Together on the road again," the Congress enabled the United States to share techniques and experiences in the field of road transportation and to showcase the key contributions and accomplishments, including findings of the Association’s technical committees for the 2020-2023 cycle. For more information, please go to: https://proceedings-prague2023.piarc.org/en/
The next World Road Congress will be held in Vancouver, Canada, in October 2027.